A unique incline and spray angle designed for optimum target coverage, fewer droplets bounce off or drift away.
Reduces drift by up to 60-75% compared to a flat fan. Orientate spray incline forward and backward on the boom for 3D target coverage.
Designed in partnership with Syngenta using lab and agronomic trials to optimise field performance.
Proven to deliver up to a 10% increase in pre-emerge weed control compared to a conventional flat fan (Syngenta UK Trials – 0.6 l/ha Liberator (diflufenican+ flufenacet) + 4 l/ha Defy (Prosulfacarb) applied November 2015).
Standard hydraulic nozzle design is PWM compatible. Install 3D nozzles facing the same direction when using with PWM systems at less than 30 Hz.